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Carlos Xuma's Dating Advice for men

Dating Advice
Dating AdviceSEMINARS

CLICK HERE for details on Carlos Xuma's dating advice seminars, and to get on the waiting list for the next event...




Welcome to Dating Dynamics - Dating Advice for Men...

Carlos Xuma is one of the Internet's foremost dating advisors. He's a dating and attraction advisor, as well as a motivational and life counselor.

Carlos is the author of The Dating Black Book, the definitive men’s guide to dating and attraction, Secrets of the Alpha Man DVD and CD programs, Alpha Conversation & Persuasion, as well as articles and books on dating and attraction. He also produces a weekly podcast and a regular blog.

Carlos Xuma brings to the table a variety of life experiences, including a background in relationship skills, life-coaching, motivational psychology, sales, management, Martial Arts, teaching and instruction, technology and engineering, Eastern philosophy, the psychology of achievement, and music.

Yes, you can call him a bit of a Renaissance Man.

Carlos' mission is to bring men and women together through awareness of both our traditional and contemporary gender roles.

He conducts workshops and in-field training sessions, phone counseling, as well as group seminars.

Carlos Xuma has also been a guest advisor and author on the web and in other media:

You've probably heard of Carlos Xuma on...
You've seen and heard Carlos Xuma on:

  • ABC Television
  • David DeAngelo's Interviews with Dating Gurus
  • Playboy Magazine
  • Maxim Radio
  • World Talk Radio
  • "Sex with Emily" radio show
  • "Rock Talk" radio show
  • The Cliff's List Seminar
  • Summum Magazine
  • Neil Strauss' StyleLife Academy for "The Game"

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Dating Advice for Today's Alpha Man

Dating Dynamics - the best dating advice for men

Carlos Xuma explains:

"I was managed to get a little success with women at an early age, without knowing what the heck I was doing. I was what they called a ‘natural.’ Then, some years later, I lost all of my ability and fell into a slump. I knew I needed answers to the riddle of women and the REAL psychology of attraction, and I finally decided that I was going to get them.

“I started reading all the books in the bookstore on the topic. When I realized they didn't have the information I needed (or even a clue for guys, really), I started looking for books that talked about attraction techniques and even the ‘taboo’ pickup artist information that you couldn't find anywhere else.

"(I started researching this way before the age of the popular World Wide Web, mind you.)

“When I got as much as I could find (and that wasn't a lot) I started trying and experimenting on my own with women and dating. I got ejected and blasted - but occasionally I also got some great success.

"I watched why certain guys did the things they did and noticed how their behavior influenced and built strong attraction in women - and I modeled this and built a whole system of creating a strong masculine presence with women.

"Men and women today are struggling. They need help to reclaim their gender roles and come to grips with today’s dating world and the complexities of modern relationships.

"Dating can be a confusing, frustrating, heart-wrenching ordeal ... but it doesn't have to be that way anymore.

"Being attractive isn't a talent you were born with - it's a SKILL you learn."

Ask yourself this question: Would I be willing to take a few hours each week to learn how to attract women?

If the answer is 'yes' - then you CAN learn it.

And you don’t have to be fake or manipulative or a pickup artist - it’s all built on the REAL you.

These are the dating skills Carlos Xuma teaches. And they're guaranteed to WORK.

For More Dating Advice Guides, Take a Look At Carlos Xuma's Full Catalog of Home Study Courses Here:

Carlos Xuma's Dating Tips for Guys Programs

Dating Tips for Guys: Flirting With Women
How to Get a Girl to Like You - 3 Laws of Attraction
Dating Tips for Men: Reading Body Language
How to Get a Girlfriend
Why Do Women Break Up With Men?
Dating Advice for Men: What Women Want
Dating Advice for Men: How to Talk to Women


And if you didn't know, we also have a Podcast each week from Carlos Xuma giving you more hot dating advice for men, with strategies to learn the right way to get the confident Alpha Man Attitude...


Dating Advice Podcast

dating advice for men- RSS
(for your podcast app)


If you'd like to discuss expansion opportunities for Dating Dynamics coaching in your part of the world, contact Carlos HERE




Personalized coaching, advanced audio dating advice for men, audio conferences - EVERYTHING you need to solve any problem - Dating Dynamics' customized and personalized dating advice for men programs... Dating Tips For Guys

Attract Women

Dating Dynamics - Advice for Men
Alpha Man Confidence
How to Attract Women
Seduce Women - Alpha Seduction Techniques
How to Be The Alpha Male Women Love
How to Approach Women
Guide to Understanding Women
How to Talk to Women
The Best Pick Up Lines - Aren't Pickup Lines!

dating tips for guys carlos xuma
Learn More: Get Carlos Xuma's Dating Tips for Guys...


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